Saturday, December 26, 2009
The hpv crew is off to florida on a roadtrip. We'll be back in a couple weeks hopefully with a nice little movie for everyone. Til then peace and have fun cause we will be.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009

Arizona Lemonade only makes an appearance on the hottest summer days at a local hp bodega. These rare gems are part of what makes hp so great, as far as I know there is only one place you can get them. and when they do show up they usually only last the day because they are in such high demand. I have even seen one bought and resold for 2 dollars. For me arizona is always the drink of choice when riding cheap, delicious, thirst quenching, and comes in a tall can you cant lose. (picture jacked from rowbies facebook)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Whats Good?
We want your feedback! Anything you have to say, we want to hear it. Tell us what you want to see on here, what you don't want to see on here, if we did something right or wrong; tell us about spots, about how your day was, what you had for lunch, how many cats you have, how old your little sister is...ANYTHING, we just want to hear from you the reader. Send any or all of the above to
Don't forget to get your free stickers and/or wax while they last! Send all requests to
Go Ride.
Monday, November 16, 2009
HPV stickers finally came in today, yes they are FREE just email me at with your name and address ill send you some to slap on your helmet, your gym locker, your downtube, or where ever. This aint no fake staples computer printer paper shit neither!....and dont forget we still got free wax too so let me know if you want some.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
bwin and the anti- fun gun.
Brian Nguyen, despite being the bitter, sad old man that he is, shreds it and is quite humble about it.. kids should take note and realize you can do WHATEVER it is you want with BMX whether it be carve a bowl and crawl out of it or feeble grind a 90 stair handrail like tom white, either way i can bet brian respects both styles just as much which is a rarity now a days.
snowday slowday or payday?
In the words of noah of ark, "keeeeep ridinggg before the winters water!!, we will be made into meat blankets if ye do not prevail!!" or something.. circa last years winter time melt, featuring a caveman to ninja drop off a bridge and a lucky fellow showing off his pecker protectors. get ittttt
schwartz flick
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I don't care how many tail whips you can do or how many flannel jackets you got ^ that shit is the definition of cool. Sometimes I get so caught up in bikes that I almost forget that there's other awesome things out there like slam dunks haha!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dedham street APREEESSHHH
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Boston winter is coming up quick, its nearly time for all the nit-pickers and fun lovers to get in their final rides before mother nature puts the frozen lock down onto good old New England. So go out and enjoy the frigid air and remember that Santa Claus is coming so you better watch your back, Or perhaps more importantly the weather reports.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
website under construction
If you wanna check the progress on our website that should be up and running by spring then go to, thanks to Tim O. for puttin in work on the site for us. Peace.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A day with hpv
The vid had music but vegas is acting all weird and I couldn't get the sound to work. I thought the raw footage was kinda cool tho.
If its too boring for you play this while you watch....
Monday, November 2, 2009
We started hpv a few months ago and well, its a crew of riders who are all locals at the hyde park skatepark . Hpv is mostly an excuse to make some stuff like vids, t-shirts, and curb wax maybe more later on who knows.....
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