TOP 5.......
1 sheppards pie
2 blue ribbon bbq burnt end burrito
3 pizza
4 does coffee count?
5 huevos rancheros from some diner in san diego. bummed i forgot the name
Songs(these are current faves. too hard to pick all-time)
1 choked and seperated -- hot water music
2 twilight burns -- morne
3 twenty four hours -- joy division
4 electric relaxation -- tribe called quest
5 frisk -- the big pink
1 taj
2 garret byrnes
3 brian foster
4 joe rich
5 bob scerbo
1 hpv!
2 holeshot
3 learn how to laugh
4 the least most
5 bt junkie
Things to do when not riding
1 hang with jess
2 hang with my dogs
3 hang with friends
4 listen to music
5 read
Things about Dedham
1 coke
2 steroids
3 alcohol(ics)
4 guidos greeks lebs irish inbreeds
5 burnin' the wagon brothah!!!
Best bike parts
1 orig. s&m dirtbike
2 s&m platform pedals
3 comp 3
4 slams
5 profile ripsaw
Worst tricks
1 flair
2 tail whip
3 x-up grind
4 any spin more the a three
5 i don't like pedal grinds either but the occasional one if you don't have pegs is cool
Non-bike companies
1 i try not to support any major corp.
2 i like mom and pop diners and restaurants.
3 local bike and skate shops are the best.
4 anyone whos trying to DIY a business.
5 i def. don't always practice what i preach on this one. hopefully ill keep gettin better.
Places you've been
1 cliffs of moher Ireland
2 Carlsbad caverns new Mexico
3 petrified forrest arizona
4 my nana's house on winnipesaukee
5 grand canyon
Pet peeves
1 tons of stuff bugs me but i try to rise above. or ignore. not always the easiest thing to do haha.
Five to end it
1 be yourself
2 be good
3 ride a bike as often as possible
4 people and places are better then things
5 question everything(but try not to dwell)